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Topical Training - BH Case Management & Health Outcomes continued

  • Zoom - registration required (map)

This is a follow-up to the Nov. 14 training “Working with Clients with Serious Mental Illness to Improve Chronic Physical Health Outcomes.” Registration required - link below.

Continuing the AIMS Center's support for behavioral health agencies working to support the health outcomes of their clientele, BHT and the AIMS Center will offer a follow-up to the recent in-person training for behavioral health case managers.

On Jan. 14 from 12-1pm, we will offer a group call directed at behavioral health case managers, moderated by Dr. John Kern, to discuss their use of tools such as the PCP Visit and Call Pocket tool, the Common Questions for Case Managers on Medical Conditions, and the Client Not Improving brainstorm list. Find those tools here.

In addition, there will be opportunity to discuss the on-the-ground work experience of case managers supporting health outcomes, and to share experience and tips with colleagues doing the same work at other agency.  Attendees will be encouraged to bring "sticky" or successful cases to share.


 Attendees who have issues about the work of the behavioral health care manager that they would like to see discussed should contact Dr Kern at the AIMS Center:



12:00 - 12:15 Introductions - your chance to describe your site and the work you are doing.

12:15 - 12:30  Discussion of AIMS Center tools, and use that case managers may have made of them, suggestions for improvement or new tools.

12:30 - 12:55 Case discussions - bring your good and your challenging experiences - everyone has them!

12:55 -  1:00  Questions, wrap-up

Remote participation information
Registration is required. Please see the link above.

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Meeting ID: 272 158 074

Earlier Event: January 13
Provider Champions Council