Decolonizing Nonprofits: An interactive online workshop by Tara (Qallaq) Ramos.

Decolonizing Nonprofits: An interactive online workshop by Tara (Qallaq) Ramos.

Decolonizing Nonprofits is returning in November! This time, Tara will be offering two skill levels. Level 1 is for anyone who is interested and wants to know more. Level 2 is for those who already have a deep understanding of what decolonizing means and who are prepared to start integrating decolonizing themes into their work.

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Fluoridation: Improving Children's Oral Health

Fluoridation: Improving Children's Oral Health

By Dr. Deb Harper - The first time I saw a child with teeth destroyed to the gumlines, I thought he had ectodermal dysplasia. Never heard of that? It's a very rare inborn condition. I had seen it twice during my training at Cook County Hospital, but I had never seen what this Spokane boy had in the spring of 1985. Cavities had rotted out all of his front teeth. The difference? Chicago's water is fluoridated. Spokane's water is not.

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Office COVID-19 Policy for Staff

Office COVID-19 Policy for Staff

A committee of staff members convened to develop COVID safety guidelines based on public health guidance, community case rates, and input from the full staff. The committee made the following decisions regarding guidelines and safety measures for those choosing to be at the office. This is point-in-time guidance for BHT staff working at the BHT office.

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Assisting Non-filers with the Child Tax Credit (CTC)

Assisting Non-filers with the Child Tax Credit (CTC)

The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is intended to cut the child poverty rate in half. Approximately 2,500-3,000 children whose families have usually not filed taxes may not receive the CTC, potentially losing $3.7m to $4.6m in funding for families in the Spokane region. Help spread the word about CTC eligibility for families who usually do not file taxes!

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Toothsavers School-based Sealants Program

Toothsavers School-based Sealants Program

Summer is winding down as fall activities ramp up. Are you getting into gear for school and preparing for the school year routines? Make sure caring for your child's oral health is one of those routines!

Sign your primary and middle-school children up for the Toothsavers Sealants program to receive sealant dental care while in school.

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HCA Presentation on 1115 Waiver

HCA Presentation on 1115 Waiver

BHT was delighted to welcome Michael Arnis, Deputy Policy Director for the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA). Michael shared the early thinking of the agency as they prepare to submit a renewal to our state's 1115 Waiver. This presentation shares the high-level concepts of the renewal for the BHT Board to consider during their strategic planning efforts for BHT. Watch the full presentation to learn more!

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