Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - Feb 18, 2021

  • CVC 2021 Recruitment

  • Partner shares

    • Community Mental Health forum - flyer registration

    • Providence CHW positions - job posting

    • Vaccine outreach - reach out to Kim Kreber SRHD, kkreber@srhd.org

    • Just One – looking for volunteers with to spend time with kids, talents to share, reach out to Natalia Gutierrez, ifjustone@gmail.com

    • Spokane County Food Security Coalition

      • New Link to "Our Daily Bread": https://youtu.be/2VsdU1VpaU8

      • We are a coordinated effort of churches, community partners, and individuals seeking to end food insecurity across Spokane through equitable, culturally appropriate, non-stigmatizing strategies.

        Natalie Tauzin, SRHD, ntauzin@srhd.org 509-324-1659

      • We meet every second Thursday from 1:00-2:30pm

        Project partner contact-Holly Jean Chilinski, HollyC@specialmobility.org

    • ZONE Project efforts

    • Mardi Bras - the partnership with Hope House and the Women's Hearth will be accepting donations Saturday from 10-2 at the Grocery Outlet on 3rd.  Needs include bras, underwear, bus passes, tampons and deodorant.  Thanks.

    • April Child Abuse Prevention Month yard signs - contact Jen Hansen jhansen@srhd.org

    • The Plan to Prevent Evictions and Homelessness in Washington webinar on the suite of legislation that state lawmakers are ushering forward to ensure that, as our eviction moratorium is lifted, renters in Washington do not face eviction, but instead have access to rental assistance, the right to an attorney, and protections that close loopholes in our landlord-tenant laws. We will share updates on the key bills (HB 1236, HB 1277, SB 5160, HB 1441), how they interact with each other, and provide an explanation of the eviction process if passed. 

      When: Wednesday, Feb. 24, 5:00-6:30 PST
      Where: Via Zoom -- registration link

    • Strengthening Families Locally - background & onboarding document Spokane Project Overview