HCA releases "Sharing Substance Use Disorder Information" guide

Announcement from HCA:

After considerable partnership with you and many other stakeholders, the Health Care Authority (HCA) is pleased to release Sharing Substance Use Disorder Information: A Guide for Washington State.

We developed this guidance in response to requests from the provider community for clarity around 42 CFR Part 2.

The guidance supports whole-person health care by supporting exchange of information between a person's behavioral and physical health providers. It also supports a person's right to determine who may share and receive their substance use disorder (SUD) information.

The guidance helps develop a common understanding of Part 2 and applicable laws, as well as common scenarios in which SUD information sharing is needed. We included additional provider and patient resources as well, such as a sample Part 2 compliant consent form.

HCA will be offering webinars in the near future to answer any questions you may have about this guidance.

We at HCA hope you find this guidance useful, and encourage your organization to use the guidance as we continue supporting whole-person health for Washingtonians. Please feel free to share this resource with others.