Forward into a new year

I’m fresh back after some time off to celebrate the holiday. As I reflect on 2016, it was a big year of planning and preparation. We established our health priorities, created community strategy maps and selected a regional pilot project. We convened, discussed and aligned. Though, when I look back, I find myself unsatisfied with our progress in radically improving the health of our region. While we know planning is important, I’m sure you share my desire to take action.

Excitingly, 2017 is shaping up to be a year of action. January 31st marks the end of Open Enrollment, we are on track to sign up more than 1,000 new people on health insurance at our Storefront on Division, adding to the thousands of people our navigator team has enrolled/renewed throughout the region. The first week of February, we’ll train our first cohort of Pathfinder Community Care Coordinators, and in March we will get to work with our first set of clients in Republic. Additionally, in short order, we’ll be selecting and developing our implementation plans to launch the first phase of our Medicaid Waiver Transformation Projects. I expect by the end of 2017, we’ll remember fondly the calmness of 2016 after another busy year, but I am confident we’ll feel more satisfied with the real impact of our collective work.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out a lot of new information and growing the content curation on our website. Our goal is to provide timely, well thought out information that keeps our community up to date on the comings and goings of Better Health Together.

To launch us, don’t miss our new team page that includes our three chamber governance and engagement structure, including our new board members. Very soon we will be updating the page to include all of the ACH Leadership Council members who signed our community commitment for, and

And make sure to watch our recently produced short video on the Pathways model, which we are affectionately now calling the Pathfinder Community Hub.

Hang on! We’re going to make some big things happen.