Medicaid Transformation Learning Symposium: Managing Change and Advancing Equity

You're Invited!

Hosted by the Washington State Health Care Authority's Healthier Washington team, the Learning Symposium is a full-day conference focusing on Medicaid Transformation in Washington State, and is specifically tailored for you as our partner in community and health systems change. Annual learning symposiums are a requirement of the Special Terms and Conditions worked out between the State of Washington and the federal government.

Wednesday, October 24
8:00am - 6:30pm
Seattle, WA

Healthier Washington is honored to welcome keynote speaker Professor john a. powell [sic] of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society. Professor powell is an internationally recognized expert in civil rights and civil liberties. 

This event will also cover:

  • Managing change in your community and organization

  • Finding joy in work - a health care worker focus

  • Regional strategies toward addressing the opioid epidemic

  • Achieving equity through organizational change

  • Participatory budgeting practices

  • Clinical-community partnerships
    and more...

Our goal is to bring together health care influencers and professionals from across Washington State to foster learning, inspiration, and innovations - and provoke conversations that matter to advance our goal of a healthier Washington. Your attendance will help make this a dynamic and meaningful event. 

This event is free to attend.