Partner Spotlight: Hub Council

The Community-Based Care Coordination Advisory Council (also known as the Hub Council), met for the first time last Monday in its early stages. Of the four projects selected for the BHT region, care coordination by its nature will require some of the most cooperation between regional partners to build a robust, sustainable network of medical providers and community programs. For this reason, BHT has created a technical council to focus on this project area.

The Hub Council will be co-chaired by Fawn Schott, CEO of Volunteers of America; and Greg Knight, CEO of Rural Resources and BHT Board member. As the council is still in the formative stage, this first meeting focused on an orientation of council goals and priorities, a review of the council charter, and an outline for the scope of work over the next few months.

For more background on the Community-Based Care Coordination project, you can read the project summary and check out these videos on how we envision care coordination working for our region!