December Technical Council Activity Summary

Below are summaries of notable Technical Council and Board activities and decisions for December 8, 2018-January 4, 2019. Visit our calendar for dates of future meetings, and visit our Technical Councils and Board pages for meeting minutes.

Board of Directors • 12/19

The Board closed the year in December with funding decisions concerning Learning Cohort infrastructure and participation, equity capacity building, Collaborative management and Collaborative member commitment. See our website for the details of these decisions and a refresher on total Transformation funding available for our region.

Community Voices Council • 12/22

The final CVC meeting of 2018 included an after action report on our efforts to combat confusion for folks who were impacted by the changes in Medicaid plans available in our region. The group, comprised of current Medicaid beneficiaries and Community Health Workers and Advocates who support folks on Medicaid, spent the whole open enrollment period working to dispel rumors and share information and resources with their communities about how the transition would impact them. Additionally, the group talked about out plans for next year. We are going to take a more focused approach to the CVC, and reduce membership to 5-8 folks only. I was worried the group might feel disappointed in this, but overall they felt it was the right direction because it has been so hard to keep people consistently engaged. We’ll be doing some design sessions in Jan and February to further define how the CVC will run in 2019.