The Journey of the Possible

I must admit I am a political junkie. I love to track the caucuses, primaries and the legislative comings and goings, and, of late, our city and county politics has been rather fun to watch as well. While there are days when I am disheartened by the personal attacks and falsehoods lobbed from both sides, most of the time I am inspired by the people who are willing to put themselves out there, to risk looking like a fool for the privilege of leading the hard work of creating “what is possible.”

Each debate I watch makes me reflect on what we are working to accomplish at Better Health Together. Our efforts to radically improve the health of our region can often feel like a political campaign in that we must build enough support to have a shared vision.  At the end of the day, the change will occur when each of us moves our organizational and personal efforts in the same direction. I have consistently found we enjoy a shared vision in this region. We all agree we are better together, integrated care is better than siloed care, people need enough food and a safe place to live to improve their health, and we cannot continue spending money at the current pace without seeing better outcomes. The hard part is getting to the HOW we do this.

To make our vision a reality, we have hard work ahead of us. The next phase of Better Health Together is going to involve more co-investment by all, more alignment of programming and efforts and, most of all, a new way of working together to make this happen.

I am glad you are joining us on this journey of “what is possible.”