Smile Spokane Receives Oral Health Hero Award from Arcora

We are so pleased Smile Spokane and its Healthy Smiles Subcommittee are the recipients of Arcora’s Oral Health Hero Awards for their work toward implementing Community Water Fluoridation. This couldn’t have happened without the amazing leadership of Alison Poulsen, Jerrie Allard, and Ben Stuckart along with the groundswell of support from countless community members, health care members, housing organizations, church pastors, activists, and parents who came out to support this public health initiative. This is a critical first step to radically improving the oral health of our city.

Arcora Oral Health Hero Award 2020.jpg

Criminal Justice RFP Decisions

Criminal Justice RFP Decisions

BHT is excited to announce the final funding recommendation for community projects applying for our Criminal Justice RFP. Revive Center for Returning Citizens, Pioneer Human Services, The Way to Justice, and The Freedom Project, were chosen for our adult-focused projects. Pend Oreille County Counseling Services will receive funding for our rural projects. We have selected Northeast Youth and Family Services and Spokane Public Schools behavioral health Agency for youth funding.

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Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - Nov 19, 2020

  • Affordable Housing Policy Letters

    • See the letters here

    • Sign-on link - open to orgs & individuals (please sign & share!)

  • CVC 2021 Recruitment

  • Equity workgroups

  • Partner shares

    • The ZoNE Project – new organizer introduction

    • Spokane City Council Housing Forum - Nov 24, 6-8pm

      • Information here

      • Can also contact Alex Gibilisco (

    • Spokane City Council 1590 vote - Nov 30, 6-8pm

      • Looking for testifiers, especially those with lived experience - contact Katie Ashmore Zinler (

      • Information here

    • Rental assistance available at SNAP - info here

    • Peer Coach training (Recovery Coach CCAR)

      • Peer Spokane offering training in December on Zoom

      • For information, email

  • BHT Trainings

    • Why Race Matters – last offering in 2020!

      • 3 part series – Nov 30, Dec 2 & 4 (Mon-Weds-Fri). Open to all BHT partners.

      • Register here

    • Evidence-Based Strategies for Treatment of Anxiety and Depression training

      • Tues, Dec 15, 9-12

      • Focus on treatment of children & adolescents

      • CEUs available – Register here

Rural Collaborative Equity Project Updates

All Counties had to revise their focus or activities due to COVID-19.

Adams County has chosen its measures and will begin work on increasing access to preventative care for women living in Adams County. Quarterly story reports will be available for partners to track progress.

Lincoln County will be posting a job for the Equity Focused Prevention Specialist in the coming weeks. This position will lead the equity work in Lincoln County and outreach low-income adults in Lincoln County, with a goal to increase access to behavioral health services.

Stevens County is waiting until Commissioners are in place to move forward with a revised equity project plan.

Ferry County has chosen to focus on suicide prevention, as suicide rates have increased in rural areas during the COVID pandemic. They will be working to saturate the Ferry County population with suicide prevention training and de-stigmatization of behavioral health issues. This project is set to start in January 2021 and will include an online resource site and free to the public online trainings.

Pend Oreille has begun its work to improve the mental health of youth in their region, with a commitment from multiple partners, in multiple sectors working to outreach the Pend Oreille County youth.

Virtual Spaces on Racial Justice

Virtual Spaces on Racial Justice

Better Health Together is committed to supporting and providing these spaces to grieve, heal, and organize for change in our community. Spaces will be held December 18th, 16th, and 30th. Please share within your organization.

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Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - Oct 15, 2020

  • Agenda

  • Slides

  • Equity workgroups

  • Partner shares

    • Transitions - People Who Care 2020 fundraiser

    • ZONe Project – Circle of Security parenting series in English & Spanish

    • Arcora – Mighty Mouth oral health kits

      • Aimed at organizations that serve pregnant women and mothers of young children. Kits will include a toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, floss and messaging about the importance of dental care, DentistLink info and a little info on community water fluoridation as well.

      • Email Stacy Torrance ( if interested

    • Spectrum & BHT – Working with LGBTQ+ Communities Workshop

      • Monday, October 26th tailored for healthcare and behavioral health professionals. Monday, November 2nd tailored for those who work in education and social services. Both sessions are open to all community members and will cover similar content.

      • Register here

    • BHT – Tribal Relations Training

      • 4 part series – Nov 5, 12, 19, and Dec 3. Open to all BHT partners

      • Topics include regional tribal history, Indian health care, changing the narrative, and much more

      • Details & registration here

    • DOH – Knock Out Flu toolkit

      • DOH Think of It as Essential campaign launched in mid-September to promote the importance of getting a flu vaccine this year. As a supplement to the statewide campaign, the materials are available for partners to use on their communication channels.

      • See the toolkit

Working with LGBTQ+ Communities Workshop

Spectrum Center is facilitating this interactive workshop that will encompass language, issues, and experiences related to LGBTQ+ communities, as well as understandings of allyship and LGBTQ+ focused practices. Facilitators will challenge participants to consider how they can be active in making their communities safer for LGBTQ+ people. Discussions and activities will focus heavily on the intersecting identities and experiences that exist within LGBTQ+ communities and the best ways to interrupt exclusion.

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