2:00 Welcome and Introductions
2:10 Introduction to Primary Care
2:25 SDoH and Primary Care
2:35 Primary Care and Justice-involved populations
2:45 CHAS: Medical home model and CHAS’ experience of addressing SDoH through primary care- Kim Hammond, Renee Reedy, and Dr. Blykowski-May
3:05 Group Discussion
For Kim Hammond, Renee Reedy, and Dr. Blykowski-May: What is your advice to SDoH organizations when it comes to partnering with primary care?
For SDoH partners: Do you already have relationships with primary care providers in the region? If so, how are they working? If not, what are the barriers?
3:35 Wrap up / Next Steps
This learning session is being offered for our partners through our SDoH Integration and Criminal Justice Behavioral Health Access contracts. Please email symetria@betterhealthtogether.org with any questions or comments regarding this training or learning cohort.