Rural Collaboratives Equity Project resources

Message from Hadley Morrow, Director of Engagement - July 10, 2019

I have 3 documents for you related to your equity projects!

The Rural Collaborative Equity Gap Project form is what we discussed at the last meeting. Spokane has been able to use it, and based on some of their learnings we’ve updated it a bit. The first 2 sections, the project form and performance measures, are really being done through Steve’s CHNA process. It will be your job to coordinate getting each collaborative member to pick an activity that will help close the gap on the inequity your collaboratives choose. I know everyone is in different spaces with their CHNAs and that’s okay – we care more about honoring community process than meeting a deadline. Our hope was to have each collaborative with an identified project by September, but if it needs to take longer it won’t put your project or dollars at risk. 

Also attached is a Rural Collaborative Member Activity Form, for each of your collaborative members to fill out once the collaborative has landed on a priority and equity gap, and your partners are ready to commit to an activity. The completed project form, and attached partner forms will trigger the next $20,000 payout for Collaborative Leads.

I’ve also included a PDF example of one of the project forms Spokane drafted in June. I hope that helps.

We are asking partners to include an estimated cost for activities – I know it is hard to put down a number when you don’t know how much is available, but I’d like to have the project forms (at least in draft) to take to the Board when asking for money for these projects, so we can right size the ask for the vision your collaboratives have.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Thank you!