Listening Sessions In Response to COVID-19

Below is a running record of our listening sessions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Message from our Director of Equity & Engagement

  • Meeting notes & materials

  • Common themes

Message from Hadley Morrow, Director of Equity & Engagement - April 17, 2020

BHT is grateful to everyone who took time to attend one of our listening sessions and share with us how their new day-to-day is looking. Your time is helping inform BHT’s exploration of how we can best be of support in this time. If you did not get to attend a listening session, you are welcome to reach out to any BHT staff to request a check-in. We are posting these notes so that you can all see a record of what partners shared, and follow up with requests or opportunities to support one another. We’re all in this together! (While staying at home, far away from one another...)

Rural Leads Listening Session - Thursday, April 9

Spokane Collaborative Listening Session #1 - Thursday, April 9

Spokane Collaborative Listening Session #2 - Thursday, April 16


Information and communication overload. Need a central place for trusted and current COVID-19 related updates

Staff moral. Many staff feeling overwhelmed and isolated, adjusting to working from home

Technology. Heavy lift to get technology and new workflows set up as organizations move to telehealth