Americans making a difference

In a recent article from Independent Sector, Tracy Hoover, CEO of Points of Light shared that “volunteerism is one of society’s most valuable resources.” The nearly 63 million Americans who donated their time, talent, and effort in 2014 would agree. In 2014 volunteers logged nearly 8 billion hours of donated time in an effort to serve their communities, country, and planet.

Determining a monetary value for these volunteer hours has been challenging. In an effort to define and acknowledge the contribution that millions of volunteers have made and to enable charitable organizations to estimate the value added by volunteers, Independent Sector calculated the average hourly wage of non-management, non-agricultural workers and increased it by 12 percent to estimate for fringe benefits. Based on this information they estimate that the per hour value of volunteer work in 2015 was $23.56, a 2% increase from 2014.

This spring we, at BHT are rolling up our sleeves and working to make continued improvements in the lives of our community members. We know that much of the work needed falls on volunteers, so thank you for your time and commitment to our communities! As we jump into annual spring cleaning projects we invite you to donate any clothes your family has outgrown to BHT to be distributed to families we work with. Clothing for infants and children are especially appreciated.

For more information and to arrange a drop off time please contact Georgie or Lindsay.