April Technical Council Activity Summary

Board of Directors - 4/11

The April Board of Directors meeting was mainly focussed on updates about Technical Councils, Medicaid Transformation, and Legislative happenings. A quick review of financials included an approval of a $2,500 MTP payment for Pend Oreille Counseling Services.

Alison addressed some legislative updates from around the state, before Charisse went into an update on our January Cohorts Transformation Plans and their next steps. These plans include Bi-Directional Integration, Chronic Disease Management, and Addressing the Opioid Crisis.

Alison then touched on Rural Collaboratives and their ongoing equity projects. Our rural partners are working on identifying inequities in their communities with help from SRHD. Their next steps will include setting goals and actual plans to help solve these inequities.

Community Voices Council - 4/25

The Community Voices Council agreed to create flyers to hand out to local churches, libraries, organizations, and stores within our communities to recruit for new members. In addition, CVC has decided to organize open house events the week of May 20th to invite those interested in joining to experience what CVC is about, and for current CVC members to get to know more about those who applied. We will offer one open house in Spokane, and are exploring how to best offer an open house to rural applicants, either by Zoom or setting up alternate open houses in rural locations.

Tribal Partners Leadership Council

Tribal Partners Leadership Council was cancelled for April but will resume this month on May 16 at the NATIVE Project.

Waiver Finance Work Group

April’s Waiver Finance Work Group was cancelled and will resume in May