BHT Releases Behavioral Health Access Report

We are excited to release the Behavioral Health Access Report, developed with Community Health Strategies, LLC and Providence CORE. The report was built to create a clearer picture of behavioral health needs and access for the region, and to assist BHT and partners in considering options for future alignment, investment, or other strategic action.
The report includes a regional overview: behavioral health needs, treatment, and financing, as well as focused subsections of the report provide more in-depth data on: 1) racial/ethnic disparities in behavioral health care access; 2) community behavioral health; and 3) transportation and geographic access to care. 
We worked with partners in our region to determine the three opportunities for action, highlighted in the report:

  1. Addressing access disparities by race & ethnicity

  2. Maintaining recent expansions telehealth for behavioral health 

  3. Removing policy, reimbursement, and training constraints to workforce development