Board Approves 2019 Funding Decisions at December Meeting

In their December meeting, the BHT Board approved the following decisions for 2019 funding (scroll to the bottom to view a graphic of the funding buckets):

Learning Cohort Infrastructure and Participation

From Year 1 Regional Infrastructure, $750,000 will be allocated for January and August Learning Cohort infrastructure for 2019, including the hiring of subject matter experts, provision of a Technical Assistance Bank, data analytics, and more.

From Year 1 Collaborative, January Cohort members will earn $30,000 for Learning Cohort participation and August Cohort members will earn $25,000. Organizations are required to attend all Learning Cohort sessions, either in person or via Zoom. The full policy will be sent to all participants for signing.

Equity Capacity Building

From Year 1 Regional Infrastructure, $91,500 will be allocated to support Equity Capacity Building through partnership with the Spokane Regional Health District data center, development of a Community Voices outreach team, and partner participation in the 2018 Healthcare Authority Learning Symposium on health equity.

Collaborative Management and Collaborative Member Commitment

From Year 2 Regional Infrastructure, $50,000 will be allocated to each rural Collaborative and $250,000 to the Spokane Collaborative, to support ongoing Collaborative management.

From Year 2 Regional Infrastructure, up to $200,000 will be allocated for 2019 Collaborative Member Commitment, earned by signing a memorandum of understanding.

How many dollars are there?