Office COVID-19 Policy for Staff
/Staff Guidelines
Updated March 28, 2022
This is point-in-time guidance for BHT staff working at the BHT office. We will continue to review and revise as appropriate based on current community conditions and public health guidance. Read the guidance for partners, clients, and visitors to the office here.
A committee of staff members convened to develop COVID safety guidelines based on public health guidance, community case rates, and input from the full staff. The committee made the following decisions regarding guidelines and safety measures for those choosing to be at the office.
Staff may choose a home/office schedule that best supports their wellbeing. This may take into account factors such as safety (physical and mental), childcare needs, illness of self or others, cost savings, and productivity.
Remote participation options must be made available for every in-person meeting for anyone who doesn't wish to attend in person.
Staff should stay home if they are sick or think they may be sick (any illness), using PTO or working from home as appropriate.
We commit that no one will ever be judged, penalized, or shamed for not coming into the office.
Staff Safety Guidelines and Measures
It is increasingly clear that the best way to protect our staff and our community moving forward is with COVID-19 vaccination. As a health organization and community leader, we feel it is important to lead by example. We believe in science and following public health guidelines to protect our employees and the broader community.
With those values in mind, we require that all employees are fully vaccinated* by January 1, 2022, as a condition of employment unless a reasonable accommodation is requested and approved.
*2-dose Moderna or Pfizer; 1 dose Johnson & Johnson
We will discuss accommodation upon request.
BHT strongly encourages staff gets boosters, but is not requiring it at this time.
Masks are optional for staff in in common areas and meeting spaces, as well as their individual office.
However, staff may choose to wear masks without facing stigma. Staff may also ask others (including fellow staff, clients, partners) to wear masks for meetings they host or attend.
If staff face pushback, resistance, or stigma for choosing to wear a mask or for asking others to wear a mask, please reach out to HR.
Social Distancing
We will expect everyone to adhere to social distancing recommendations whenever possible. However, we also acknowledge that there may be instances where that isn't possible given the layout of our office, size of the meeting, etc. In cases where social distancing isn't possible, staff will use discretion in determining physical and mental wellbeing. A remote option will always be available to join meetings.
Additional Safety Measures
Staff should stay home if they are sick or think they may be sick (any illness), using PTO or working from home as appropriate.
Hand sanitizer stations will be installed at entries and in the downstairs meeting space
Bottles of hand sanitizer will be available in common areas and offices
Disposable masks will be available
Staff is expected to disinfect the common areas they use before leaving that common area. This is a requirement for any staff member in the office – it is not the duty of the operations team to clean up after other staff. Cleaning supplies will be made available.
The office will continue to be cleaned once weekly cleaning by an external company
Staff who do not follow guidelines will first be given a gentle individual reminder (we all slip up sometimes!). Repeat infractions will be escalated to the staff member's supervisor and HR as needed.
If staff face pushback, resistance, or stigma for choosing to wear a mask or for asking others to wear a mask, please reach out to HR.