HSSA Grant Opportunity - LOI Due September 30th

The Health Sciences and Services Authority (HSSA) of Spokane County has announced its annual “Access to Care” grant competition for non-profit and other organizations is open for 2020 grants. This grant competition seeks applicants who provide innovative and efficient health service delivery that increases access to health care for at risk populations.

The HSSA 2020 Access to Care Grant Competition will award up to $300,000 for one or more grants that durably increase the efficiency and efficacy of health delivery in Spokane County that measurably increases access to care for certain populations.

Better Health Together is rooting for all of our partners in Spokane County. Let us know if you need our ACH endorsement, or any support and information about our bi-directional, opioid, and transformation work!

Here are key dates related to HSSA’s 2020 Access to Care grants:

  • RFP posted at: September 9, 2019

  • Letter of Intent due by 12 noon: September 30, 2019

  • Final Proposal due by 4PM: October 31, 2019

  • Awards Announced: December 20, 2019