Funds Flow Allocation for Year 1 Update

At our January 24th BHT Board meeting, the Board approved the first round of Funds Flow allocation for Year 1 Project Funds. Our intent is to push out as many dollars as we can now to support our partners in planning and preparation for transformation in their settings, while holding back a portion of funds to target investments based on our partner gap assessments.

The first set of Funds Allocations includes two streams of ACH Funding: Year 1 Project Funds: Collaborative, and the first payout of the FIMC Incentive dollars.

Year 1 Project Funding will be distributed to partners within our Community Health Transformation Collaboratives in three ways: 

  1. Base Funding will consist of payouts for meeting specific milestones on ACH work, such as submitting a letter of commitment, completing an assessment, and completing implementation plans.
  2. High Volume Funding acknowledges the needs of larger Primary Care and Behavioral Health providers to coordinate across multiple locations and more staff involved in delivery system efforts. This will be a payment to partnering providers based on the number of Medicaid patients they serve.
  3. Equity Accelerator Funding will provide extra dollars for partnering providers whose Medicaid patient pool is over 10% racially or ethnically diverse.

Please note that partners not in Primary Care or Behavioral Health settings (aka partners who do not bill Medicaid directly) will only have access to base funding pool.

FIMC Incentive Funding became available to the region when we voted to become a mid-adopter of Integrated Managed Care. The year one payment total will be $3,120,000. BHT is prioritizing our first round of funding to Contracted BHO Providers delivering mental health and substance use disorder services and Tribal Behavioral Health providers, to support a core set of transitional efforts required for financial managed care integration.

  • Contracted BHO providers will receive a base pay of $50,000 and a technical assistance payment of $20,000
  • Tribal Behavioral Health Providers will receive a base payment of $25,000 and a technical assistance payment of $20,000
  • Each rural county Collaborative will also receive a $50,000 rural accelerator payout, recognizing the unique challenges of providing care in rural settings.

This is our first run of funds flow allocation. Once we have completed assessments with our partners and are more informed around Domain 1 areas where investment may be needed, the Waiver Finance workgroup will begin building recommendations for the next round of funds flow. See the materials below for more information. 

FIMC Executive Summary

Year 1 Project Fund Executive Summary