Learning Action Network (LAN) materials

Next meeting: June 13

May 9 meeting

1.  Please send a copy of your revised projects plans to Julia, Milena, and John (emails below), based on the edits following our consult calls.  Please, include a bullet point list of what you will track on the excel files you will use for tracking.  Due date: May 28th
2.  Please complete and send the Work Flow and Team Building documents to prepare for sharing your developing work flows during our next webinar.  Due date: June 6th

Upcoming Webinars:
1.  The next LAN meeting is June 13 at 8am.  We will be covering work flows and introducing registries.
2.  We had a tentative time reserved for a 4th meeting on July 11th. We propose we do this and really focus on using registries.  The homework in between for you would be implementing your work flows and collecting some data on your clients and reporting on lessons learned. Please let Julia Campbell (jcampb13@uw.edu) know if you are interested.

You can get 1:1 help! 
Milena Stott (milenastott@gmail.com) and John Kern (jkern2@uw.edu) are available to help your team with any of this work.

April 11 meeting

Slides PDF

Homework: Project Description
Please complete the project description worksheet and email back to Julia Campbell jcampb13@uw.edu by Thursday, 5/2/2019. Please be prepared to give a report out of your project description during our May meeting.

You can get help with this assignment! 
Milena Stott is available to help your team with this assignment – especially to help you think through project scope, measures and data sources that will be important. You can contact Milena at milenastott@gmail.com.