Learning Cohorts Kick-off

Let the Learning Cohorts Begin!

Hello partners!

We are excited for 2019 and our Learning Cohorts!  As you prepare and plan for next year, please hold the fourth Thursday of each month on your calendar to spend with BHT, fellow providers, and subject matter experts.  See our new Learning Cohort webpage for dates.  It is preferable that the same core team participants attend each learning session although we recognize that sometimes schedules and availability may interfere. This team will, at a minimum, consist of:

  1. Transformation Manager- Each Partnering Provider is required to designate a Transformation Manager, someone with decision-making authority within the organization who will serve as the point of accountability for the success of the Transformation Plan and with the help from their team, manage the implementation of the Plan. 

  2. Clinician Champion- Success of transformative health reform plans are highly dependent on motivating, informing, and translating transformative changes to those who are responsible for delivering the care.  This role should be a licensed clinician who will participate in the transformation process and may be a physician, behavioral health/addictions specialist, nurse practitioner, psychologist, etc.

  3. Administration Champion- Strong administrative support provides the leadership necessary to promote change and overcome challenges and barriers during the transformative efforts. This role is ideally someone with administrative authority and/or executive leadership in the organization. For some organizations the Administration Champion and Transformation Manager may be the same person.

For those of you who are “small but mighty” please reach out to us if you are not able to bring the above desired staff and we will work with you to choose the most appropriate person(s) for this work.

The Learning Cohorts are being designed to respond to your identified requests, gaps that were identified while reviewing the transformation plans, and to support organizations at various levels of integration for continued sustainability. We are currently considering options for our rural partners acknowledging that travel during our winters can be very difficult.

Better Health Together acknowledges that any time staff are out of the office for meetings or learning opportunities, there is a fiscal impact. We are pleased to announce that our Board of Directors approved financial support for your organization to participate! 

  • January Cohort organizations will receive $30,000 

  • August Cohort organizations will receive $25,000 (with the added value of monthly technical assistance)

These participation funds will be split into four equal payments. The first payment will be released after providers submit a signed Attendance Policy, available on the Learning Cohort webpage, due by January 24, 2019. Please email signed forms to sarah@betterhealthtogether.org. We anticipate the remaining payments to be released in March, July, and October. BHT is still working on the details of what will be required of your organization to earn these payments. Stay tuned for updates!

Our kick-off meeting will be Thursday, January 24 from 9:00-2:00pm at the Philanthropy Center. We recognize that travel may be challenging during the winter months and we are exploring options for our remote partners. We will let you know in early January what those options are.

We are also hosting a webinar on Thursday, January 3 for the January Cohort. This webinar will cover Aims statements, milestones, and the January plan template. If you are a January Cohort member and did not receive a calendar invitation to this already, email sarah@betterhealthtogether.org.

Lastly, the final version of the Pay-for-Achievement (P4A) Measures was approved by the BHT Board. That menu is now available on the Learning Cohort webpage for our January providers to use as they complete their revised Transformation Plan templates.