May Technical Council Activity Summary

Board of Directors

There was no Board of Director’s meeting for May. Board Meeting will resume in June.

Community Voices Council - 5/21

The CVC is recruiting new members! Please help us spread the word. We will be hosting a few CVC Open Houses over the next few months to serve as informational interviews for folks who might like to join. Click here for more info, position description, and link to apply.

Tribal Partners Leadership Council - 5/16

This month we asked the Tribal Partners Leadership Council to recommend TIC/MI trainers who will be able to provide training through a culturally specific lens. BHT plans to provide these trainings between July-August. Lena Nachand, HCA Tribal Liason, joined us to introduce HCA's application for the CMS Integrated Care for Kids grant. The council called for a Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer prior to submittal, this occurred 5/28. We ended this month's meeting by putting the equity and network analysis surveys on their radar, to be released soon!

Waiver Finance Workgroup - 5/15

The Waiver Finance work group continues to delve into the tough questions about our work and really making sure that BHT is supporting our whole region through Medicaid Transformation.  The group supported funding for an SDoH strategy, Equity Strategy, and a region wide housing inventory that would be specific to our counties.  There was a legislate update that summarized behavioral health investments in our region but also continued concerns around rates needed to support new programs and existing infrastructure.  Our MCO partners shared the process of rate setting and many of the complicating factors that go into the process.