MCO FAQ grid - updated 2/13/19

The MCOs have put together a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) grid compiling provider questions from various regions and the MCOs’/HCA’s responses.

The MCOs also put together an IMC FAQ Summary of the most repeated questions with MCO-aligned answers.

MCO FAQ Compilation, Version 2 - added 2/13/19, includes symposium questions

MCO FAQ Compilation, Version 1*

MCO FAQ Summary

If you have questions you would like answered by the MCOs or HCA, email and we will pass them on.

*Note: This is the first version of the FAQ - the MCO group will continue to update the FAQ grid as they receive additional questions. Additionally, they are still working on responses to some of the questions in the grid and those responses will be added to later iterations of the FAQ. The grid only includes questions asked through the end of September, so some of the blanks will be filled in based on questions received after Sept. 30 and during the Symposiums.