Pay for Sucess

BHT was thrilled to see a Request for Information circulating from the Health Care Authority on Pay For Success programs for Community Engagement in Supportive Housing Interventions. The request demonstrates a clear sign that we are getting closer to seeing opportunities for Pay for Success pilot programs implementation soon.  

Pay for Success (PFS) is a relatively new funding model that aims to maximize funding potential for programs that work, and incentivize those programs to work for more people. Private and philanthropic dollars are leveraged to pay the up-front costs for services; if the program reaches target goals qualifying it as a success, they receive additional funds from the government or other entities. In this system, government dollars are only used to pay for what works, a more efficient use of resources that also holds programs more accountable to outcomes.

PFS is still in the beginning phases. The Social Innovation Fund (SIF) launched their PFS program in 2014, giving grants to state and local governments, and nonprofits, to pay for technical assistance and capacity building while grantees explore the best PFS strategies and solutions. SIF selected eight organizations as initial grantees that are now exploring opportunities to fund PFS activities in local communities. One of these organizations was the Corporation for Supportive Housing, which in turn selected Washington Health Care Authority as one of six sub-grantees to receive assistance in pursuing PFS pilot projects that improve outcomes and reduce costs for our region’s most vulnerable citizens, those facing homelessness. 

Upon hearing the request, BHT jumped to action and called a convening with all five of Washington's Managed Care Organizations and many local partners who work in housing and/or homeless services. We have been working together all week to take inventory of the resources, programs and partnerships we have currently in place our community, and are exploring how implementing PFS could benefit our community. We are so grateful for the collaborative spirit of our partnerships in the BHT region, and are excited to experience tangible momentum building behind Pay for Success.

If you are curious about the State's inquiry, you can read the Request For Information here

To learn about what opportunities for supportive housing are presenting in our region, you may also view our collaborative draft response for this RFI here.