Spokane Collaborative - August Partner Updates

While we didn’t gather in August, we did ask partners if they had any updates or upcoming events to share.

We’ll reconvening on Thursday, September 16th. We can't wait to share what we've been up to behind the scenes. Keep an eye out for meeting details & materials on the webpage. See you in September!

(see this information in the original email here)


The Way to Justice
First Annual Justice Week, September 25-30. Justice Week clients will be given resources, legal advice, assistance, and/or representation for various issues such as reducing legal fines, reinstating driver’s licenses, vacating convictions, and restoring their rights. More at www.thewaytojustice.com.
See Flyer

The Way to Justice is hiring a Staff Attorney and an Outreach Coordinator. More details and full job descriptions at www.thewaytojustice.com. Call (509) 822-7514 with any questions.
See Flyer

Shadle Prevention & Wellness Coalition
Learn more about our Strengthening Families Program for families and youth ages 10-14. Our program helps families learn to manage emotions, set goals and boundaries, how to avoid peer pressure, create better decision-making, and form better relationships.
See Flyer

The ZoNE
The ZoNE is collecting data from Spokane residents regarding rent increase notifications. Specifically, we are asking how much the rental rate is changing, if residents are looking for other housing, whether they have registered their children for school, etc. The scope is based on concerns and issues that have been brought to us by residents in Northeast Spokane. We are looking to collect data along with these anecdotes, that can be shared and elevated on behalf of residents in Spokane. The survey can be submitted anonymously.

Please help in spreading the word! You may also share The ZoNE’s Facebook or Insta post to your page/stories.

Survey Link: https://engagementthezone.wufoo.com/forms/zownrz31dfdoc2/

See Flyer

The ZoNE

Northeast Spokane Circle of Security Program

  • For all caregivers of children 0-6 years in NE Spokane!

  • New courses start monthly!

  • Register now for details on upcoming classes!

  • 8 weekly classes held in-person at 4001 N. Cook Street, Spokane.

  • Class and materials are Free!

See Flyer

Prevent Suicide Spokane Coalition
NEWESD 101 is excited to announce their role as the new lead facilitator for the Prevent Suicide Spokane Coalition. The coalition is planning an event in honor on World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10th. We are screening the film S Word at the Magic Lantern. See Flyer

For more information or to get involved with the Coalition, email Keara Peltram at krypien@esd101.net.