Submit Your Project for BHT Endorsement to the HCA Medicaid Waiver

This past week the Health Care Authority (HCA) hosted a webinar explaining the process for submission of potential projects to be considered for the Medicaid Waiver Project Menu.
It is our intent at Better Health Together to submit a set of prioritized projects for consideration to HCA’s Medicaid Waiver team that aligns with our set of Regional Health Priorities as well as our set of values for improving health in our region.
If you would like your proposed project to be considered for an endorsement from Better Health Together, please submit the HCA’s Transformation Project Template to by January 12, 2015 at 3pm

A subcommittee of the Better Health Together Board of Directors serving on behalf of the Better Health Together ACH will evaluate each project for alignment with our Regional Health Priorities.
We are taking this important step for two reasons:

  1. Demonstrate to HCA the effectiveness of our ACH in bringing the right people to the table in an aligned way to radically improve the health of our region and
  2. Ensure there are projects included on the Waiver Menu that align with each of our priority areas. 

The following resources will be useful in the development of your proposed projects: