Request for Proposals | Care Coordination Agency

Request for Proposals | Care Coordination Agency

The Better Health Together Accountable Community of Health, is initiating this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals to enter into an agreement with care coordination agencies to provide direct care coordination services using the Pathways Community Hub Model (Pathways) and Care Coordination Systems (CCS) data/reporting platform. 

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Shared Learning: Michigan Hub

We were so lucky to host this webinar from a Pathways HUB in Muskegon Michigan who has been using Pathways to run a Jail Transition Program very similar to what we are designing with partners in Ferry County. They gave a very clear and impressive overview of the model and their program, and showed they've seen great success in reducing recidivism. Watch it below!

Hood River Site Visit Canceled

A couple months ago, we chatted with our friends in Hood River about a site visit to see the Pathways work in action. We were excited to meet with local partners who had come to a similar conclusion that “coordinating the coordinators” and organizing community assets to improve health was a noble and achievable community goal.

However, the team in Hood River has been selected for a large investment from an important funder. They are under a tremendous amount of pressure to be ready for this big announcement. Most of us in this field can relate to the pressure that can put on non-profits and community efforts, and we know big investments are few and far between. Hood River graciously asked if we could delay our visit. We could not, in good conscience, ask them to power through on this, and so we are canceling the site visit. 

We know this is a let down, however there will be another opportunity to get up close and personal with Pathways at the Pathways to Community Care Coordination Summit in Ohio on September 29th and 30th. 

While we were excited about the site visit to Hood River, we think the technical assistance and networking with many of the regions implementing the Pathways model may even be better! More info below:

Pathways to Community Care Coordination Summit

Register today! Click here to complete the Enrollment Link
Date: September 29-30, 2016
Location: Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron Ohio

Scholarships are available to cover travel costs and the registration fee for this event. Scholarships will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here to request a scholarship.

For questions, please contact

More on the Pathways HUB

On Tuesday July 19th, we hosted a second presentation on the Pathways HUB, this one from Dr. Sarah Redding. This webinar more specifically looked at the process of building a HUB and achieving certification, as well as some examples of specific Pathways and how to build or bundle one's own Pathways. Once again this was a lively discussion with ample question and answer time from Dr. Redding, and we are so grateful she took the time to share with us. You may watch the webinar or download the slides here in case you missed it. 


Presentation from the Pathways HUB

We would like to extend a huge thank you to Bob Harnach and MIke Bonetto for presenting on the Pathways HUB to our Regional Project Team. Their presentation gave us a lot to explore, and we look forward to continuing conversations within the community action team around the viability of this model for our region. 

If you would like to know more about the Pathways HUB, Mike & Bob were gracious enough to share their slides and a recording of the presentation.