Navigators Exceed All Goals for OE3

Remember when our Navigator Network first started helping people enroll in health insurance back in 2013? Their initial goal was to enroll 10,000 people. Remember how instead they smashed right though that goal and enrolled 100,000 people, bringing down the uninsured rate in Eastern Washington from 15% to 5%?

Well folks, they’ve done it again.

This year for Open Enrollment 3, goals were set around re-enrollment to make sure all those insured stayed covered another year. Last year during Open Enrollment 2, statewide re-enrollment rates were only around 58%.

Our navigators set a goal of renewing at least 80% of Qualified Health Plans in our 7 county region, and….(drumroll please)… they exceeded that goal with a re-enrollment rate of 87.7%, which was even higher than this year’s statewide average of 84.12%.

The team was contracted to enroll 4,840 clients, 50% being Apple Health Plans and the other 50% Qualified Health Plans, but with their knack for exceeding goals they enrolled and re-enrolled a total of 18,592 people. A huge round of applause for our Navigator Network for surviving and thriving during Open Enrollment, and helping our region get covered!