Year 2 Contract information for January Cohort - updated 01/23/20

Lots of information below, so please review thoroughly. Contact with questions.


  • Timeline

  • Workshops

  • Y2 Transformation Plan Template - final version with P4A measures

  • Y2 Pay-for-Achievement (P4A) Measures menu

  • Budget Reporting Template

  • Y2 Addendum 4.01 – Payment Schedule

  • Equity component

  • Year 1 Contract & Mid-Contract Report


  • Feb 11-12 - Transformation Plan workshops, draft of Plan & Budget due at workshop

  • March 13 - Final plans due

  • March 31 - Y1 contract end date

  • Early April - Y1 Contract Reporting survey

  • Mid-April - BHT sends Y2 Contracts via DocuSign*

  • May 1 - Y2 Contract start date

*Following completion & review of Y1 Contract Reporting survey (see Contract Performance Policy)

As a best practice from Y1 contracting, we will have a 1-hour transformation plan workshop with each partner. Providers will work one-on-one with BHT staff and consultants on their Plans. The workshops will be held Feb. 11-12 at the BHT offices. Sign-up now for your time slot. Completed drafts of your Transformation Plan Template & your Budget Reporting Template - Year 2 tab will be due at the time of your workshop.

Y2 Template
Please use the new template, which includes an updated P4A section. Please complete a draft of the template for your February contract workshop. The Y2 Transformation Plan template is very similar to the Y1 template, but we wanted to highlight a few things:

  • For each project area, we added a question about how the Y2 activities build on, enhance, and/or course correct on your Y1 work.

  • For Y2, you will select 2 new Pay-for-Achievement (P4A) measures, as well as continuing to work on the 4 you selected in Y1. We updated the Pay-for-Achievement section with the new measures. More details in “Pay-for-Achievement (P4A) Measures Menu” section below.

  • For Large volume providers, you will once again identify two Aim Statements and 3-5 milestones per Aim Statement for each of the 3 project areas (Bi-Directional Integration, Chronic Disease, Opioid). Transformation Plan Template - Large

  • For Medium volume providers, you will once again identify two Aim Statements and 3-5 milestones per Aim Statement for each of the 3 project areas (Bi-Directional Integration, Chronic Disease, Opioid). Transformation Plan Template - Medium

  • For Small volume providers, you will identify one Aim Statements and 3-5 milestones per Aim Statement for each of the 3 project areas (Bi-Directional Integration, Chronic Disease, Opioid). Transformation Plan Template - Small

Pay-for-Achievement (P4A) Measures Menu
For Y2, you will select two (2) new Pay-for-Achievement (P4A) measures, as well as continuing to work on the four (4) measures you selected in Y1. Please refer to your Y1 Contract for your original 4 selections. Note: the Y1 selections cannot be changed.

We’ve updated the P4A Measures Menu with 3 new measures this year – Expanding Evidence-Based Practices, Care Transitions, and Payer Contracts. We’ve also added Second Year Achievement Thresholds – aka what you need to do in the second year you’re working on a measure to earn funds. For this round of contracting, the Second Year Achievement Thresholds apply to the 4 measures you selected in Y1.

Budget Reporting Template
We’ve updated the Budget Reporting Template - see email sent on 01/22/20 for your pre-filled template. Two purposes of this document:

  • Preview the budget reporting & attestation you will be asked to complete at the end of the Year 1 Contract period in April 2020, and at the end of each Contract period. See tab called “Summary Budget – Year 1”.

  • Provide the template for your Year 2 Contract budget. See tab called “Summary Budget – Year 2”. Please complete a draft of this for your February contract workshop.

Note: If your original budget was over the amount of funds you could earn from BHT for the Y1 Contract, we pro-rated that amount in the tab “Summary Budget – Year 1” to reflect the earnable amount. Your original budget amount and pro-rate calculations can be found in tab “Summary Budget – Pro-Rated” of your pre-filled template.

Note: If we did not receive a budget from you previously, you will still be asked to complete the budget reporting and attestation at the end of the Y1 contract period.

Addendum 4.01 – Payment Schedule

This document outlines the payment timing and triggers for Y2 contracting. Please note that a larger proportion of funds is “at risk” based on achievement of Milestones & P4A, compared to Y1. See email sent on 01/22/20 for your specific Addendum.

Equity component
As you see in Addendum 4.01, there is an Equity component to your contracts. In Y1, you completed the Equity Assessment at mid-contract to earn the first half of your Y1 equity dollars. Before Y1 contract end, you will select a Pay-for-Equity (P4E) measure to earn the second half of the dollars. We have almost finalized the P4E measures list, based on the results of the Equity Assessments. The measures will be released for public comment in February and reviewed by the BHT Board on March 4. We will release the P4E measures list with more guidance following that.

The P4E measure you select will be included in your Y2 contract, and your Y2 Contract Equity payments will be based on reporting your progress on the P4E. See Addendum 4.01 for details.

Note: This is separate from the equity work you are doing as part of your county Collaborative. 

Year 1 Contract & Mid-contract report

Lastly, the email sent on 01/22/20 includes your Y1 Contract as well as your results from mid-contract (Oct 2019) reporting. Please refer to both documents as you complete your Y2 Transformation Plan draft, which should build on your Y1 work.

You made it to the end! Please let us know if you have questions, and we’ll see you at your workshop.