Technical Assistance Bank for Contracted Partners

Here you will find the latest news regarding our Technical Assistance Bank for contracted partners. We hope you find value in the Technical Assistance Bank again this year! 


The University of Washington’s Advanced Integrated Mental Health Solutions (AIMS) Center develops, tests, and helps organizations implement collaborative care and bi-directional integration strategies. BHT has partnered with the AIMS Center to offer our network of contracted partners technical assistance related to implementation support, coaching, education, and workforce development throughout 2020. Learn more about the AIMS Center here.

Available Technical Assistance

For Primary Care Practices: 

  • Basic or advanced topics around coding/billing for behavioral health in primary care

  • Deep dive into your practice’s financing and billing options/challenges utilizing the AIMS Center Financial Modeling Workbook

  • Hiring Behavioral Health Providers tips and tricks

  • Evidence-based behavioral health interventions for Behavioral Health Clinicians in primary care such as problem solving treatment and behavioral activation

  • How to set up a Behavioral Health Clinicians schedule in primary care that aligns with your program’s overall goals and vision

  • Fine tuning a behavioral health screening workflow and using continuous quality improvement to improve the workflow

For Behavioral Health Agencies: 

  • A deeper dive into current state workflows for physical health screening and identifying opportunities for improvement

  • Helping with decision-making about the most impactful use of limited resources for integration in a given agency

  • Sitting in on team meetings to help build team's skills around discussing client cases and maximizing use of team meetings

  • Coaching on how to effectively build relationships with primary care partners

  • Helping a team determine what physical health measure to track and implement a population health management strategy

If you have a TA need that is not listed above, please reach out and we will do our best to connect you to the appropriate resource. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sarah at or Symetria at


Making a Request

  1. On the right side of the Learning Cohort webpage you will find a button to “Request Technical Assistance

  2. Click the button and complete the Technical Assistance Request Form

  3. Once received, BHT will connect you with the AIMS Center

  4. Together we accomplish health system transformation!


The AIMS Center has been very responsive and available to meet with us when needed. We have been meeting 1-2 times a month for several months. The feedback is that the discussions have been very helpful to understand a model for CHAS and inform our BH Associate program definition. We’ve had a couple major changes in BH staff lately, so things have slowed down a bit in using AIMS support. But their expertise in Collaborative Care is unparalleled and much appreciated. They have been flexible and allowed us to learn and consider approaches that are unique to our situation, staffing, and patient situations.
Mike Wiser, CHAS
January 2020

BHT Welcomes Three New Orgs to Navigator Network

BHT welcomes ADEPT Behavioral Health, Compassionate Addiction Treatment Center, and Volunteers of America to our Network! 

Since 2014, BHT has been the Lead Organization of our region’s Navigator Network. Over 130 Navigators from more than 20 organizations make up the network, which spans seven counties in Eastern Washington. The Navigators assist all customers with health insurance needs like enrollment, renewals, program eligibility, and document submission. 

As the lead org, BHT provides the Network’s Navigators with semi-annual training, technical assistance, and general insurance advice. BHT has led this network of Navigators through seven open enrollment periods. In 2019, our Network assisted over 21,000 customers with their insurance applications. BHT would like to congratulate our Network partners for their efforts. 

Navigator Network Organizations 

VBP Resource Catalog

The Health Care Authority (HCA), in partnership with Manatt, has released a Value-based Purchasing (VBP) Resource Catalog.  The purpose of this resource is to connect partners to available VBP visioning documents, technical assistance, and other relevant information.  The HCA says this is a starting point and foundational set of resources, especially for providers who have been less engaged in VBP discussions to-date.  This is not meant to replace other VBP support mechanisms and resources but may inform future efforts.