Medical Dental Integration in Pediatric Primary Care

The Medical-Dental Integration anchor strategy (Mouth Matters) of Smile Spokane seeks to integrate pediatric preventive oral health services into primary care workflow, aiming to improve children's health outcomes and reduce the cost of care. Smile Spokane and Arcora, through the Local Impact Network, currently work with the three largest systems in Spokane: CHAS Health, Multicare, and Providence. 

This strategy uses a peer model to help identify system barriers and creative solutions to integration.

Children see their pediatric medical provider for well-child visits sooner and more often than a dentist. Pediatric visits are a crucial opportunity to provide preventive oral health services and ensure parents and caregivers understand the importance of early dental care.

Arcora Foundation logo with "Arcora" in all caps and bright green
Logo for Providence featuring a Blue cross with green chevrons in each inner corner.