BHT COVID-19 Response
/As coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, for the safety of our staff, as well as our partners and the communities we serve, Better Health Together has decided to implement the recommendation for social distancing. On Monday, March 16, the following protocols will go into effect for BHT until at least April 24:
BHT staff will be working from home
All BHT-hosted will be either be handled via remote participation, canceled, or rescheduled
BHT staff will cease in-person visits to partner organizations
BHT staff will participate remotely for externally-hosted meetings
BHT staff will be working on updating our calendar and sending emails partners in the next 1-2 business days regarding affected BHT meetings and trainings.
We recognize that we are fortunate to have the resources and flexibility to make this organizational decision. We want to express our deep gratitude to our health care and community partners for the hard work they do day in and day out and know that the following weeks will challenge all of us.
BHT stands ready to provide community support in any way that we can. Please reach out if you have questions or ways you think BHT can be helpful.