BHT’s ACH Medicaid Waiver Endorsement Criteria

Over the past few weeks, we have seen increased conversation around the proposed Medicaid Waiver. Many of us realize the waiver is a game-changer for our communities. 

As you know, the Health Care Authority has released an “all call” for potential Medicaid Transformation Projects. This is a great opportunity to ensure the good work happening in our region can be scaled across the full region as well as the state.

On Thursday, the BHT Board (serving as the governing body for our region’s ACH), approved ACH Medicaid Waiver Transformation Project endorsement criteria.  We believe it’s critical to put forward a set of projects that aligns with our Regional Health Priorities so that we can dramatically improve the health of our region.  The BHT ACH will submit an endorsed list of projects (our version of a “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval”) on January 15.

Directions to seek a BHT ACH endorsement
If you are interested, please submit your completed HCA Project Template to by 3pm on January 12. A review committee consisting of Tom Martin, Lincoln Public Hospital District; Dr Joel McCoullough, Spokane Regional Health District; Pam Tietz, Spokane Housing Authority; Kristen West Fisher, Empire Health Foundation; and Dean Larsen, Spokane Medical Society, will review applications for alignment with our criteria and will consider endorsement on behalf of the BHT ACH.

What does a BHT ACH endorsement mean?
BHT is undertaking this process to demonstrate to the Health Care Authority the power and alignment of our region. The Board would like to endorse the most promising, most aligned projects. This will demonstrate how well our region is cooperating in the development of our ACH as well as ensure we have a set of projects that are aligned with our Regional Priorities.

Does that mean I cannot submit my own projects?
Of course not. We encourage everyone to think about how the waiver could have a transformative effect on our region.

Let Alison know at or 509.499.0482
