Happy Holidays from Better Health Together

Every year around this time, I take a few moments to think about what has transpired over the past twelve months.  Although this has been a wild, busy year for Better Health Together, I can’t help but beam with pride over the tremendous impact our team has had on our community. Together with partners like you, we have made inroads into meaningfully improving the health of our region.

Here’s a quick look at some of BHT’s accomplishments in 2015:

  • Helped thousands of people enroll/reenroll in health insurance bringing our current uninsured rate in the region to under 5%
  • Supported more than 3,500 clients in accessing dental care, housing, primary care, substance abuse and mental health treatments while also ensuring their basic needs
  • Launched two new programs: Health Homes in partnership with Molina and Family Visitation in partnership with the Family Impact Network
  • Our ACH approved five regional health priorities
  • Expanded our funding support to include the City of Spokane, Spokane County United Way and the Health Science Services Authority.

And, oh by the way, did you hear we were also officially designated as our region’s Accountable Community of Health??

There were many weeks when my team ran so hard that by Friday afternoon we were all exhausted. The challenges to radically improve health and reduce human suffering and pain can make it hard at times to keep our energy levels up. But, without fail, every Monday, I come in and find my team jazzed up and ready to make a difference.  I know this is true for every one of our partners.

As we wrap up 2015 and rest up for 2016, we wish you, your colleagues and families much peace, gratitude and joy.

See you in 2016.