Community Voices Council in 2021: What to Expect

In 2021, we will begin having important conversations about race and equity in our region.

Kurtis Robinson, our new Board Representative Co-Chair, is the current Vice-President of the NAACP and is an activist in anti-racist and destigmatizing work in Spokane. He is a highly respected and sought-after equity and anti-racist trainer. We are privileged to have his wisdom and life experience on our council as we start this journey together.

We will have difficult and often challenging conversations, but as BHT likes to say, "There isn't any growth in the comfort zone." We are excited to learn alongside you.

Book Club

Each CVC member will receive a copy of “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo. It is one of our favorite books to start looking at our anti-racism and equity work from a different lens. We will use a portion of every CVC meeting in 2021 to discuss the book. We hope to apply the learnings as we move forward to diversify our council further.

Equity 101 Training

Starting in February, CVC members are required to attend our 4-week equity training, Equity 101. This training provides as a jumping-off place to start being actively anti-racist and promote health equity with a frame that includes race. There will be additional stipends for the time.

Equity 101 Schedule: 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, and 3/9 from 2:00-4:00pm

If these days and times do not work, please let Reese know; she will make sure you can attend an alternate training: Reese@BetterHealthTogether.