2020 Virtual Spaces on Racial Justice
/Better Health Together's Equity Program Coordinator, Alethea Dumas (pictured above), designed, launched, and co-facilitated virtual spaces in response to our nation's racial and political strife during 2020.
Reflection from Alethea Dumas
Last year brought so much pain, fear, loss, and uncertainty. The world as we know it is in turmoil and divided. COVID-19's disproportionate impact on BIPOC communities and witnessing injustices against black and brown human bodies by the law enforcement motivated me to imagine a space for BIPOC to acknowledge we are okay or not okay, room to breathe, and just to be. After a month of analyzing and planning my thoughts, I came up with three virtual spaces catered to BIPOC to foster belonging and healing.
Virtual Spaces
We Are Not Okay; A Space for Black Healing: This space was about addressing the many needs of the Black communities in Spokane while being a source of inspiration, connection, and healing at a time of fear, rage, and mourning.
Breathe; A Space for BIPOC leaders, educators, and healthcare providers: Dedicated to BIPOC working within organizations serving folks on Medicaid (and in healthcare generally). This space was their opportunity to speak, process, express, cry, laugh, and just be for one another healing, resilience, and strength. The goal is to support each other in the ongoing fight against racial injustices in this society, with the intent to share resources and begin networking, organizing, strategizing, and mobilizing.
Enough is Enough; Equity & Solidarity in Action: We wanted to create a space for our partners to discuss their role as healthcare providers, educators, and leaders in supporting the fight against racial injustice. We must put equity into action by supporting and serving the vulnerable and marginalized communities of color we say we want to reach.
What's Next
My hope for 2021 is to continue these virtual spaces that support and uplift the voices of BIPOC. Spaces free from mainstream stereotypes, marginalization, and white supremacy culture permeating so much of our society. Spaces like this matter, and I am committed to continuing to make these spaces possible.