Join the BHT Board

BHT is now recruiting for two Board seats. Applications are due April 26th at 12:00pm.  For more information and instructions to apply, download our recruitment package.  

BHT prioritizes ethnic, gender, political and age diversity to ensure representation of the many populations and communities in our ACH region. Having diverse perspectives on the Board allows us to better serve our region and be champions for health for all.

For this round of board recruitment we are seeking nominations from individuals with the some or all of the following characteristics:

  • Leaders that represent Community Voice especially from under-represented populations on the Board 
  • Senior level executives and/or respected community leaders, with the ability to cultivate/influence/inspire other leaders in their sector 
  • Visionary yet practical leaders
  • Ability to balance organizational with community best interests 
  • Provider representation with a focus on Substance Use providers