Partner Spotlight: Waiver Finance Workgroup

The Waiver Finance Workgroup is one of this ACH’s longest-running councils and carries a critical workload in moving the Medicaid Transformation forward. As the body that prepares the regional funds flow model for Board approval, this team has done an excellent job of staying informed in each aspect of the Transformation work and navigating the broad needs and considerations of our six counties.

Last week, the Waiver Finance Workgroup discussed the IGT process as it relates to auditing, approved the Rural and Spokane Collaborative Charters, and approved a recommendation for funding a Collaboration Management Leadership Structure for each county, which the Board will consider for final approval at this week’s meeting.

The workgroup also continued a region-wide discussion around how to achieve local priorities not selected in the four main project areas and whether project dollars should incentivize these priorities. As discussed in last week’s Leadership Council, the Board recently approved the additional goals of reducing unintended pregnancies, reducing jail recidivism, increasing oral health access, and increasing behavioral health access. The workgroup discussed the need for more structure within each Collaborative, including submitted work plans around how additional dollars would be used toward the core deliverables identified by the team.