Spokane Collaborative meeting notes & materials






For other resources and calendar, see Collaborative main page here.

Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - June 17, 2021

Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - May 20, 2021

Now accepting applications for HR & Equity Learning Cohort

Now accepting applications for HR & Equity Learning Cohort

A 6-part series focusing on internal human resource practices that can have an immediate impact on building equity into an organization's DNA. We are hosting this first cohort to gauge interest in equity-based series like these. Our hope is to have 6-8 organizations participate. Because of the limited size of this cohort, we are asking all interested organizations to fill out a short application. Applications are due by May 5.

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Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - April 15, 2021

Spokane Collaborative - Policy Advocacy Funding Opportunity


In October 2019, the BHT Board allocated $500,000 for equity projects to be decided upon and organized by the members of the Spokane Collaborative. The Collaborative divided its efforts into three focus areas: Reducing Family Violence & Trauma, Improving Access to Affordable Housing, and Improving Access to Behavioral Health Services.

A workgroup was developed for each area and was allocated a portion of the funding based on the size of the group, and the breadth of their proposed activities. These funding allocations were first proposed by the full Collaborative and finalized by the Collaborative’s leadership team known as the Collaborative Connections Team (CCT). Following are the total amounts allocated to each group:

  • Reducing Family Violence & Trauma - $104,000

  • Improving Access to Affordable Housing - $116,000

  • Improving Access to Behavioral Health Services - $136,000

The remaining $144,000 was allocated to a “holdback fund“ by the CCT, in the event that a workgroup needed to cover an additional cost or a new equity gap activity opportunity emerged. For example, an Oral Health Equity focus area & workgroup was added in 2021 in partnership with Smile Spokane. This group was allocated $15,000 from the holdback bucket, in addition to some funding from Arcora.

After a year of working on these equity gap projects, the CCT recognized a need for policy work to impact inequities in our community. The CCT allocated $65,000 from the holdback fund to invest in this new work.

Funding Purpose

To provide a flexible pool of funding for policy-related equity efforts, with a clear process for Collaborative member organizations to request funds. We recognize that policy issues often move faster than the speed of the deliberative work of a big collaborative. We hope this process will be nimble enough to support local policy work related to the Collaborative’s equity priorities.

Who’s eligible?

  • Open to Spokane Collaborative member organizations with an MOU for the current calendar year.

  • This eligibility includes community organizations who are not current Collaborative members but who agree to participate in the Collaborative going forward. See 2021 MOU.

How much is available?

$65,000 in total

  • Individual cap at $15,000 per organization

    • Joint applications can request more

  • Applications may be fully funded, partially funded, or denied at the discretion of the Collaborative Connections Team. See rubric below.

What do we mean by policy work?

  • Policy work may include voter or policymaker education, community activation, advocacy, and more. Note that these funds may not be used for lobbying.

  • Funding will prioritize policy work at the local or state level meant to serve communities in Spokane County.

  • Applications for other work in the identified equity areas will be considered, but note that policy-related applications will be prioritized. See rubric below.


  • This is an open application process i.e. no deadline. The process will remain open until the funds are spent.

  • The Collaborative Connections Team will review any applications at their monthly meeting, held the second Thursday of the month. Applications received by the first Friday of the month will be reviewed at that month’s meeting.

  • Applicants will be notified of the decision or request for further clarification/discussion following that meeting.

How to apply

  • Click apply here to be directed to the online application.


The Collaborative Connection Team will make funding decisions based on the following criteria. Each area will be scored on a 4-point scale (where applicable).

  • Is the applying organization a member of the Collaborative?

  • Is the project service area within Spokane County?

  • Does this proposal serve a disparately impacted population?

  • Does this proposal have demonstrated support from community members? Have they talked to people impacted by the issue the work seeks to address?

  • Is the proposal supported by other organizations (in or out of the Collaborative)?

  • Does this have a policy or nonpartisan orientation (versus a heavy partisan/political lean or no policy content)?

  • Does this demonstrate ability to achieve the outcomes in the proposal? (organization capacity, staff, funding)

  • Does it complement existing project or efforts (within the Collaborative or in the community)?

  • Is the proposal supported by additional funding sources?


Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - March 18, 2021

Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - Feb 18, 2021

  • CVC 2021 Recruitment

  • Partner shares

    • Community Mental Health forum - flyer registration

    • Providence CHW positions - job posting

    • Vaccine outreach - reach out to Kim Kreber SRHD, kkreber@srhd.org

    • Just One – looking for volunteers with to spend time with kids, talents to share, reach out to Natalia Gutierrez, ifjustone@gmail.com

    • Spokane County Food Security Coalition

      • New Link to "Our Daily Bread": https://youtu.be/2VsdU1VpaU8

      • We are a coordinated effort of churches, community partners, and individuals seeking to end food insecurity across Spokane through equitable, culturally appropriate, non-stigmatizing strategies.

        Natalie Tauzin, SRHD, ntauzin@srhd.org 509-324-1659

      • We meet every second Thursday from 1:00-2:30pm

        Project partner contact-Holly Jean Chilinski, HollyC@specialmobility.org

    • ZONE Project efforts

    • Mardi Bras - the partnership with Hope House and the Women's Hearth will be accepting donations Saturday from 10-2 at the Grocery Outlet on 3rd.  Needs include bras, underwear, bus passes, tampons and deodorant.  Thanks.

    • April Child Abuse Prevention Month yard signs - contact Jen Hansen jhansen@srhd.org

    • The Plan to Prevent Evictions and Homelessness in Washington webinar on the suite of legislation that state lawmakers are ushering forward to ensure that, as our eviction moratorium is lifted, renters in Washington do not face eviction, but instead have access to rental assistance, the right to an attorney, and protections that close loopholes in our landlord-tenant laws. We will share updates on the key bills (HB 1236, HB 1277, SB 5160, HB 1441), how they interact with each other, and provide an explanation of the eviction process if passed. 

      When: Wednesday, Feb. 24, 5:00-6:30 PST
      Where: Via Zoom -- registration link

    • Strengthening Families Locally - background & onboarding document Spokane Project Overview

Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials - Nov 19, 2020

  • Affordable Housing Policy Letters

    • See the letters here

    • Sign-on link - open to orgs & individuals (please sign & share!)

  • CVC 2021 Recruitment

  • Equity workgroups

  • Partner shares

    • The ZoNE Project – new organizer introduction

    • Spokane City Council Housing Forum - Nov 24, 6-8pm

      • Information here

      • Can also contact Alex Gibilisco (agibilisco@spokanecity.org)

    • Spokane City Council 1590 vote - Nov 30, 6-8pm

      • Looking for testifiers, especially those with lived experience - contact Katie Ashmore Zinler (katie@spokanealliance.org)

      • Information here

    • Rental assistance available at SNAP - info here

    • Peer Coach training (Recovery Coach CCAR)

      • Peer Spokane offering training in December on Zoom

      • For information, email info@peerspokane.org

  • BHT Trainings

    • Why Race Matters – last offering in 2020!

      • 3 part series – Nov 30, Dec 2 & 4 (Mon-Weds-Fri). Open to all BHT partners.

      • Register here

    • Evidence-Based Strategies for Treatment of Anxiety and Depression training

      • Tues, Dec 15, 9-12

      • Focus on treatment of children & adolescents

      • CEUs available – Register here

Rural Collaborative Equity Project Updates

All Counties had to revise their focus or activities due to COVID-19.

Adams County has chosen its measures and will begin work on increasing access to preventative care for women living in Adams County. Quarterly story reports will be available for partners to track progress.

Lincoln County will be posting a job for the Equity Focused Prevention Specialist in the coming weeks. This position will lead the equity work in Lincoln County and outreach low-income adults in Lincoln County, with a goal to increase access to behavioral health services.

Stevens County is waiting until Commissioners are in place to move forward with a revised equity project plan.

Ferry County has chosen to focus on suicide prevention, as suicide rates have increased in rural areas during the COVID pandemic. They will be working to saturate the Ferry County population with suicide prevention training and de-stigmatization of behavioral health issues. This project is set to start in January 2021 and will include an online resource site and free to the public online trainings.

Pend Oreille has begun its work to improve the mental health of youth in their region, with a commitment from multiple partners, in multiple sectors working to outreach the Pend Oreille County youth.

Virtual Spaces on Racial Justice

Virtual Spaces on Racial Justice

Better Health Together is committed to supporting and providing these spaces to grieve, heal, and organize for change in our community. Spaces will be held December 18th, 16th, and 30th. Please share within your organization.

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