BHT Releases Behavioral Health Access Report

BHT Releases Behavioral Health Access Report

The report includes a regional overview: behavioral health needs, treatment, and financing, as well as focused subsections of the report provide more in-depth data on: 1) racial/ethnic disparities in behavioral health care access; 2) community behavioral health; and 3) transportation and geographic access to care.

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BHT Makes $100K Contribution to COVID-19 Fund

The Better Health Together Board of Directors approved the first allocation of dollars from our Community Resiliency Fund to go to the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund.

The COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Funds will provide funding to organizations that have deep roots in community and strong experience serving the elderly, homeless, residents without health insurance and/or access to sick days, communities of color, people with limited English language proficiency, healthcare, hospitality and gig economy workers, and low-wage employees, among others.

To view the full story click here.

COVID-19: What does it mean for our work?

COVID-19: What does it mean for our work?

The BHT team is trying to be mindful of what is happening in our community and not unnecessarily burden our organizational partners during this time. We fully expect that most, if not all, of our Transformation work together will pause as you redirect your resources toward addressing the Covid-19 pandemic.

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BHT COVID-19 Response

BHT COVID-19 Response

As coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, for the safety of our staff, as well as our partners and the communities we serve, Better Health Together has decided to implement the recommendation for social distancing. On Monday, March 16, the following protocols will go into effect for BHT…

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Pay-for-Equity Menu Released

On March 5th, BHT finalized our Pay-for-Equity Menu. Organizations who completed our Equity Assessment now have the opportunity to commit to a Pay-for-Equity item that they will implement in their organization. Committing to an activity earns additional financial assistance from BHT, as well as 8 hours of free Technical Assistance from our Equity TA Bank, made up of consultants who can offer trainings and facilitation to support your equity work. 

Partners will be invited to select an activity via survey in early April. As a reminder for Partnering Providers, this is a requirement in your contract. 

BHT will be updating our website soon to add an Equity page where we can list resources and information about our TA partners – stay tuned for that reveal!


VBP Resource Catalog

The Health Care Authority (HCA), in partnership with Manatt, has released a Value-based Purchasing (VBP) Resource Catalog.  The purpose of this resource is to connect partners to available VBP visioning documents, technical assistance, and other relevant information.  The HCA says this is a starting point and foundational set of resources, especially for providers who have been less engaged in VBP discussions to-date.  This is not meant to replace other VBP support mechanisms and resources but may inform future efforts.

Transformation Talks - Episode 2

Transformation Talks - Episode 2

In our second episode of Transformation Talks, Charisse Pope interviews Torney Smith, Administrator of the Spokane Regional Health District. The two discuss how Medicaid Transformation allows us to address upstream causes of medical need, value-based care in a capitalist society, and the role privilege plays in health equity.

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