EHF Leadership Transition

Empire Health Foundation’s (EHF) Board of Directors has announced the resignation of its President, Antony Chiang. Antony has accepted the role of Chief Executive Officer for Dogwood Health Trust of Asheville, North Carolina, a health conversion foundation. Antony will remain with EHF through mid-September when Jeffrey Bell, current Chair of the EHF Board, will be appointed Interim President while the EHF Board has conducts a search for Antony’s successor. Read the announcement here and view the press release here.

The BHT Executive and Governance committees will be working with EHF leadership over the next couple of months to ensure there is a smooth transition.

Alison and the rest of the BHT team wish Antony the best of luck in his exciting new adventure!

Message from Hadley Morrow, Director of Engagement

After many hours of meetings, we have landed on a set of strategies to tackle for our Equity Gap project! Thank you for the incredible work and participation that has gotten us to this point. It feels like we are right on the edge of an unprecedented collaboration, and I am so excited to see what we will accomplish when we all focus our energy together! This is an incredible chance for us to learn together how to tackle health inequities.
Here you will find the Partner-Level Collaborative Equity Activities Form for you to fill out with your organization. We made a few changes based on feedback from our June session, a few things for you to know:

  • There are three priority areas, but you are only required to submit one (1) activity.

  • You can find the Priority Areas, Strategies, and other resources including meeting notes here.

  • We are not requiring you to link activities to a performance measure at this time – we still need to do a little work to refine the measurements we came up with in June and figure out.

  • We’ve asked for an estimated cost for these activities. We acknowledge that it can be hard to come up with an activity without knowing how much money will be available to support. We also brainstormed quite a few low-cost and no-cost ideas throughout our process. We promise there will be dollars allocated to the Spokane Collaborative to support the equity projects, but BHT needs some more info on what you all hope to accomplish so we can request the right size of funding.

  • We added one section for you to quickly explain why you think your activity will help close the equity gap. This can just be a few sentences.

Next Steps:
Please take this form back to your team and discuss what priority area and strategy your organization wants to support.
Bring this completed form to the July 18th meeting so we can finalize our action plan. Our hope is you will bring this form signed by your organizations leadership to signal your commitment to this activity. If you are not able to get by-in from leadership on this quick timeline we understand, but please come to the July 18th with the content of the form filled out and an idea for an activity to discuss with your peers.
At the July 18th meeting we will share out the activities, and discuss a plan for ongoing governance and evaluation of our activities.
If you have any questions at all, please contact Hadley Morrow at

BHT holds a vision of health equity for our region, where no one has negative health outcomes as a result of their identity, environment, or experiences. Making this vision a reality will require that each of us who make up the institutions that are impacting health in Spokane think critically about how we can disrupt patterns of behavior that leave people feeling excluded or stigmatized. This is often emotional and personal work, and we just want to say thank you for being willing to engage. These courageous conversations will make the region a better place to live.

Thank you!