Transformation Talks - Episode 1

Transformation Talks - Episode 1

In the inaugural episode, Charisse interviews Dr. Anna Foucek Tresidder, Program Director and Assistant Professor Public Health, College of Health Science and Public Health, at Eastern Washington University. That’s a mouthful! Their conversation is equally robust.

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Request for Proposals | Care Coordination Agency

Request for Proposals | Care Coordination Agency

The Better Health Together Accountable Community of Health, is initiating this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals to enter into an agreement with care coordination agencies to provide direct care coordination services using the Pathways Community Hub Model (Pathways) and Care Coordination Systems (CCS) data/reporting platform. 

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Medicaid Transformation Learning Symposium: Managing Change and Advancing Equity

Medicaid Transformation Learning Symposium: Managing Change and Advancing Equity

Hosted by the Washington State Health Care Authority's Healthier Washington team, the Learning Symposium is a full-day conference focusing on Medicaid Transformation in Washington State, and is specifically tailored for you as our partner in community and health systems change.

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Delay of Collaborative Launch

Throughout the ACH development process the BHT team has committed to keeping our partners informed on the many moving parts of this work. This often means we release information ONLY to find it to be “clarified” by new information or additional guidance provided via the Health Care Authority. As we noted on Friday, there are ongoing uncertainties surrounding ACH Funds Flow, specifically related to negotiations with the BHO and HCA, on behalf of our region, for our Integrated Managed Care efforts and the timing of earned Project funds for Year 1.
Both of these outstanding issues caused us pause. We know we have a lot of work to do to be ready for transformational efforts. We are also very clear that this is a heavy lift for our Providers and Partners, and we want to maximize the amount of time we give you to plan and make sure we aren’t getting ahead of ourselves. To this end, we are delaying both the release and request for signed Commitment Forms/MOUs from Providers and Partners until the week of February 19th. We are encouraged by several conversations that have occurred in the last couple of days that the outstanding issues will be resolved and we will have more clarity on the release of earned funds to our region.
Throughout our 101 sessions, we noted that Collaborative membership was due on February 22nd. It’s our intent to extend this deadline until late March providing ample time for Collaboratives to develop and partners to be clear on commitments.
As always, please continue to reach out to BHT staff if you have any questions. We look forward to sharing updates as soon as we can.

-Alison Carl White, BHT Executive Director